Thursday, October 26, 2006

weddings, dinners and colds

so jen and i are married. not only that, we threw the best party we've ever been to. success on all fronts. once again, thanks to everyone who travelled near and far to join us, and special thanks to the members of our wedding party for keeping us chill and helping out with everything. i'm pretty sure everyone had a good time, but if you didn't feel free to leave an anonymous comment. once we get our proofs and what not back from the photographer ill post a few on flickr. until then use your imagination.

in other news, last night was our first dinner bonanza extravaganza fiesta. a friend from work organized this (bi-)monthly dinner group that will travel to various restaurants. last night we went to ben pao. we'd been there before, but it was still good. food was good, company was entertaining, waitress was creepy. then a few of us went to love's for some fro-yo. love's is money. jen and our friend tracy like the peanut butter, but i created another culinary masterpiece - french vanilla yogurt with graham cracker and butterfinger bits. it might be the best dessert this side of the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream pie. anyway, we're going to the world renowned frontera grill. we tried going there this month, but they were booked. rick bayless better deliver or he'll be shamed by my scathing review. because, you know, rick bayless is a frequent cimas reader and all...

finally, i'm sick. and i got jen sick. so i'm going to bed. 3rd night in a row i'm in bed before 10. i know, i'm a sally. or an emily. whatever. and i have no idea why i'm writing in short choppy sentences, it's usually the exact opposite. shut it.


Monday, October 09, 2006

it's the final countdown!!!

bah bah bah baaah, bah-bah-bah-bah-baaah, bah bah bah baaah, the final countdown...

so i've been a little mia for the past few months. turns out i'm getting married on friday and i've been a little busy. biatch! also turns out the pilot episode of the x-files is on tnt right now and thus i cannot go to bed. anyway, jen and i are very excited for the big day, and can't wait to see everyone who's coming into town. we've got plenty of fun stuff planned for any of you who still check on this bloggy blog blog, so i hope you're ready for some fun. maybe i'll even throw some pics up on flickr - haven't done that in....months.

a few quick thoughts - torre shouldn't get fired, but if he does hendry should sign him, except hendry is retarded and is probably going to sign the AA manager to an 8 year deal; gators will, unfortunately, lose sat night as they're too high on themselves and auburn is playing with a purpose; bears could go undefeated, but will probably go 14-2 and lose in the nfc championship because they still can't cover steve smith; beanes has smelly feet; the windchill will be below freezing on my wedding day - awesome.

i dont really have anything interesting to add as i'm kind of bogged down with wedding stuff, but i felt like i needed to make one more entry as an unmarried man. done and done. peace.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

one for the treble, two for the bass

let's see, so much has happened, so little time to type. our time in the hamptons and greater nyc was awesome. except for eddie's achilles tear. that was not so much fun. thankfully surgery went well, and mr. edwin is on his way to a full recovery. nothing like a few percocet can't cure, that's what i always say... and once again congratulations to jim and holly - great wedding, awesome reception, really fun weekend - hope we can come close to the bar you set.

back at home life has been busy. aside from wedding stuff kicking into gear, we've been looking at new places to live. good times. i'm pretty sure our florist hates me. she told us there are 3 types of guys - guys who love flowers, guys who don't care about flowers, and guys who hate flowers. she then turned to jen and said "i'm so sorry honey, but you have a flower hater." i don't think the fact that i told her that flowers were a waste of money helped my case. but when you're effectively asking me to pay you upwards of $2000 per hour for something that's going to die, guess what - i'm going to tell you it's a ridiculous waste of money.

on a positive note, we met our dj tonight and he was really cool. i actually met him before as he kicked my ass in cornhole at a picnic. but he's a good guy who seems to know what he's doing and has good taste in music, so i'm sure he'll do a great job. good times...

so wedding stuff is fun. looking for a place to live, not so much. we've seen so many crappy disgusting places it's unbelieveable. who lives in these places??? on the flip side, we've seen some nice places that are super pricey. but keep your fingers and toes crossed ladies and gents, i think we've found a place. we have to work out some deets, but we should have a better idea in the next week or so.


Friday, July 07, 2006

once again it's on

so it's been awhile, but yes, i am still alive. and yes it is friday night and i'm blogging - i rule. so many things going on, so little time to type. after a forced 2 week vacation, i'm back working so that's good. income gooooood. the vacay was nice - got to watch lots of world cup matches. during that stretch i learned something that has held true throughout the cup - literally EVERY team i want to win loses. every single team. every match. i'm calling this right now - italy is going to win on sunday because i want france to win. ok i don't *want* france to win, i just like zidane and dislike france less than i dislike italy, or at least their respective soccer teams. i really don't like how the italians cry like little girls everytime they create contact and act like they might die on the spot. sure other teams do this as well, but italy does it more frequently and to a greater degree. they suck.

last weekend we had a grand time playing cornhole and drinking and eating and hanging out. i think i hit my peak as a cornhole player as i had a cornholio at 7:29pm on 7/29 (yes, i'm a dork and looked at the time after i sank the fourth bag, and yes it really was at 7:29 - i have 3 witnesses). then i threw in another cornholio on sunday, though i barely remember it as my good friend miller lite was kicking in. we played so much (thanks to my partners nancy and aaron) that my shoulder was sore monday. or maybe that was from falling on my porch. i like to think it was a cornhole related injury.

this weekend we're celebrating jen's birthday with a little fernando's and fizz. good times. OH! we scored some free passes to see pirates last night - worst movie i've seen in years. it epitomized the reason i loathe going to movies - they all suck. it was about 2 hours and 15 minutes too long, the antagonist (davy jones) looked more like something out of star wars (as did most of his crew, including the hammerhead shark lieutenant), there was literally NO storyline - just a bunch of barely interrelated tasks. it was like watching a bad video game, or art imitating art imitating art (a movie imitating a video game imitating a movie). save your money and go have a smithwicks.

i'm pretty psyched as jen and i are going to my buddy jim's wedding next week. we'll be in greater nyc for 4 full days which should be awesome. we'll get to see some college folk we haven't seen in a while, and we'll get to make some new friends which is always fun. most importantly, we'll get to go see the ocean, which i haven't really done in a few years. sorry midwesterners, lake michigan is not an ocean and it does not have beaches.

ok im going to bed. later.


Friday, June 16, 2006

good news bad news

good news: last weekend on long island was awesome. well done jim and holly. in fact, it was so much fun that i've already cancelled my BP in vegas in favor of a similarly planned event here in chicago. i'm not trying to lift your idea, but...ok maybe i am. had a really good time, hope everyone has as good a time at mine/ours in september.

bad news: i'm officially in the market for employment. that's right, the client decided they didn't want the project to move forward after wednesday because they're cheap, so i'm needing some work.

good news: i finally got out of that project! it was lasting forever and sucking me in more day after day. not only that, this is the perfect opportunity to pursue something i really want to do - like own a business. obviously i need to find the right opportunity, but do i really want to be a 'lawyer'? no.

bad news: there's this thing called a 'wedding' that has to get paid for. so dreams of being a business owner may be put on hold until october, we'll see...

good news: it's june, sunny, and my schedule is pretty clear! too bad the cubs suck more everyday.


Wednesday, June 07, 2006


i'm not sure how it's happened, but it's gone from mid-may to mid-june in a blink. like it, don't love it. i managed to attend 3 of the 6 games on the cubs' last homestand - they went 1-2 in those games. i would say they suck, but they've actually been playing better. i fear kid k is going to be lost, possibly forever, but i'm still hoping that m.prior strikes back. shout out to d.pashman for that nifty one-liner. and if that wasn't enough i went on a tour of wrigley last friday - what a great way to start the weekend. thanks to sarah and gabriel for making that happen. if you ever need environmental testing or cleanup, you now know where to go.

wedding planning is going - expensively. we met with the string quartet lady tuesday night. i'm not sure i need a string quartet, or even a mixed trio, but jen seems pretty into it so that's how we're rollin'. everyone i tell about it says 'wow, faaan-cy!' to which i reply 'yee haw!' we'll see. i personally can think of a lot of different ways to spend that money, but that's just me.

fantasy baseball teams are doing well. i still have a stranglehold on 9th place in the league i won last year. but i'm also in first in 2 other leagues and second in another. so far so good as we come up on the half way point.

big news - i'm partying in the hamptons this weekend! if you know me, you know they usually have security keeping people like me out of the hamptons. there's a special exception for 'bachelor party' events at which time they let the riff raff in. it should be fun - i'm looking forward to thoroughly embarassing myself on the links, and then thoroughly drowning myself in the preferred tonic of the night. hopefully i'll be able to score some pete's rallycap ale, the best summer brew ever. i've adopted sam's summer as my midwestern favorite because i can't find pete's anywhere in chicago, but it still can't touch pete's. anyway, i'll post some pics of me and diddy when i get back. good times...


Wednesday, May 31, 2006

zoom zoom zoom...

so monday we bought a car - mazda3. pretty exciting stuff, considering we haven't owned a car in about 2 years, and we've never owned a car that was made before we entered middle school. i think i "over-paid" by about $350, but considering it's exactly what i wanted before i entered the showroom i think it was worth it. of course the guy did his job and had us drive the pimped out grand touring. it was nice and of course jen and i both wanted it. but after sitting on it a few days we realized all we really wanted was a gray car with a moonroof and side curtain airbags. ta-da! we got it. good times.

cubs - they blow. i somehow managed to go to 3 of the past 6 games. i know what you're saying - why would you pay good money not once, not twice but THREE times to see the third worst team in baseball?!?!? to that i respond "shut up and drink your beer!" anyway, i said going in if they lost all three games i'd sell the rest of my tickets. well thankfully (or regretably as the case may be) they managed to win last night (despite losing in agonizing fashion friday (neifi perez has replaced todd walker as my least favorite cub EVER)). they played well tonight, but it didn't work out. the past two nights though it really felt like wrigley field of old, and by old i mean 2 years ago. people were into the game, and not agitated by ever minute mistake. hopefully the cubs will turn it around and at least make a run at 3rd place. a boy can dream can't he?

fantasy baseball - i may as well not field a team in the league i won last year because every week i get smoked. i think i only lost 3-7 last week, but it's just ridiculous - my team blows. in my other 'main' league i'm still holding 'second' place because i'm better than all the other crappy teams in my division. i only have the 4th or 5th best record overall, but all the other decent teams are in the other divison. i'll take it. in my landlord's league i took over first place by a half game, so that's exciting. there are 3 good teams, 2 decent teams, and 5 bad teams (sorry sarah :( ). in my i-don't-know-anyone league i'm still undefeated. it's pretty sad how badly i'm crushing everyone else. not only am i undefeated, but i've scored at least 132.5 points more than any other team. after that team, which by the way is 2-6, the next closest team is 5-3 and 300.0 points back. good night, drive home safely.

finally, congratulations to sunny and steve on the birth of beautiful baby violet. being our first tufts friends to have a child i feel like there should be some serious beirut action or something. seriously though, congratulations guys - jen and i couldn't be happier for you and we're looking foward to seeing violet in july.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

oops i did it again

bad news - muppet won. good news! - i'm never watching that stupid show again! ok so katharine didn't win. she was the better singer. i guarantee the muppet will not have a career. moreover, i think this was the beginning of the end of american idol. despite its ratings, i think a lot of people will be disappointed with the quality of the winner, as well as the quality of the performances in general. this week and last week were both horrible. based on those 2 weeks, elliott should have won - he's the only one who didn't choke. anyway, i'm over idol. over it.

pearl jam - the show last wednesday was awesome. they played all their crowd favorites tuesday night, and saved wednesday for rarities. check out the setlist - totally insane. they kind of plowed through the first part of the show, aka the new songs, so they could get to the old ones. i think lukin was the highlight for me. as was the entire second encore - unbelieveable. they played with 50 times more energy than they did on last tour. if they're stopping by your city, definitely find a way to get tickets.

news - so jen got her job working for the man at the history factory. other than the commute she seems to like it. personally i don't think 45 minutes out 65 minutes in is that bad. assuming the el is running on time, and assuming i don't *just* miss a train, it takes me 45 minutes in the morning and 50 at night, and i'm only travelling 4 miles.

as a result of this job, we're forced to get a car. we've been looking for about a week, and i'm confused by several things. when did cars get so expensive?!?! i think we're kind of torn between the mazda3 and the new civic. we both kind of like the mazda more, but we're not sure about it as we only know 1 person who's ever owned a mazda. the civic looks better in person than in pictures, but it's still a little goofy. and it only has a 140hp engine, which is my main problem. seeing how i've been obsessing over this for a week and not getting more than 4 hours of sleep because of it, i hope to have this dilemma resolved sooner rather than later. suggestions and comments are welcome.

finally, beanes decided to make a run for the highway today. he crept down the back and went out the gangway. luckily we noticed he was missing after only 5 or 10 minutes, so he didn't get very far. where would beanes go on his own? to the house with the man that always gives him biscuits of course! jen was smart enough to think of that, so he's home safely. lesson: keep your dogs and children on leashes!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

and the winner is...

...katharine. she sounded worse than muppet last night, but can you seriously picture muppet on trl? no. and neither can everyone who voted for everyone but him. i have to say, this being my first idol final week, i'm pretty disappointed. i didn't know they sang songs they've previously performed. nor did i know they sang them poorly. i seriously want that 45 minutes of my life back. hell, i want the past 2 months back with all the time i've spent thinking, talking and blogging about that stupid show. anyway, while everyone thinks he's going to win, he won't. because he's a muppet. and everyone knows muppets can't sing a lick (see: every muppet movie ever made).


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

real quick like

1. getting ready to go see pearl jam - whoo hooo!!! i made the mistake of not going to last night's show, and frankly i don't know how they can top last night's setlist. i'm going to be there to find out though. full report tomorrow.

2. idol - katharine's rainbow was the best of the night, but her other 2 songs were weak. elliott's 3 were the most consistent. taylor's cocker song was good, but i realized my deal with him - just like chris, he's only capable of making one sound - the joe cocker sound. he has no range or ability to sing anything different, which is why i've been tired of him for seemingly months now. in any event, my gut tells me katharine goes home, but my head tells me fox doesn't want 2 dudes, and ugly dudes at that, in the final. so i think elliott goes. sorry my funky white brother...

3. jen got a job! whoo hoo!!! full report on that tomorrow too.

4. why is my dog afraid of rain? thunder and lightning, ok maybe. but rain??? i can only assume he associates it with the others, and thus hides under the couch expecting the worst. poor chicken beanes...


Thursday, May 11, 2006

hi-larious III

thank you dan pashman, senior producer at air america, for telling me about this clip. admittedly i don't watch the colbert report, or the daily show. i know, i'm a loser, i suck - you're the 10,000,000th person to tell me that, do you feel like a big person now? anyway, stephen colbert spoke at the white house correspondence dinner a few nights ago and ripped bush while bush was 2 seats away. the speech was hilarious on it's own, but when you consider bush is sitting right next him it's even funnier. it's 24 minutes long, so grab a drink, but it's funny. good times.

idol - wow. i love that chris went, that rocks like nickelback! wait a minute... anyway, katharine deserved to go, and she knew it. i still cannot believe the muppet has yet to be in the bottom two - unbelieveable. next week should be interesting. as a first time idol viewer, i have to say that i'm kind of annoyed with the filler - like i need to see priscilla presley show me elvis' gold records. by the way, what happened to priscilla? her face is expressionless. i don't think she's capable of smiling. train. wreck. anyway, i'm really hoping for an elliott/katharine final. go ahead, tell me i'm a sucky loser again.

finally, i'm proud to make another jen announcement. after months of searching, and interviewing, jen has finally found...a new favorite show to replace west wing. what, you thought i was going to say job? yeah, no. jen is in love with tour de gorge. if you have inhd or inhd2, you're probably familiar with this show - it's competitive eating in 30 min segments. specifically, she's in love with eater x, tim janus (read about the inner workings of x here). conversely, i'm in love with cookie jarvis. i mean, just look at his 'bib sheet' - cannolis, chicken fingers, corned beef, french fries, ice cream - he likes everything i do. except he likes his by the pound. i can only hope that i would look so good as i finished my 21st cannoli. you think yankee/red sox games get us pumped, you should see us when x and cookie go head to head for 8 minutes of dumpling action (seriously, cookie ate 91 (NINETY-ONE!!!) dumplings in 8 minutes. i love him.


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

sad day

1. jen's computer died yesterday. supposedly, it went out in a blaze of glory, complete with a bright white screen, some flickering, a few puffs of smoke as it took it's last breath and a few fizzles letting everyone know it was time. considering it was on about 15hrs/day for the past 5 years, i think we got our moneys worth. and luckily when it crapped out the first time 3 years ago we bought a backup drive, so all her stuff is safe. still, a sad day. goodbye compy - we loved you.

2. katharine is so going home tonight. when you a)forget the words to the first song and b)over-sing the second song, you're done. sad, because she's clearly the best pure singer. elliot, for about the 3rd week in a row, rocked it. chris sounded exactly the same as he does on every song (although his first song was kind of worse than usual), and taylor was his usual spaz. he's such a train-wreck. i just don't get him at all - i think he sucks. anyway, i'm happy that 3 of my initial final four are still alive, mandisa being the only idol missing. and frankly, she's 10,000 times better than the muppet.

3. cubs still suck, losing streak at 8. how can they possibly suck anymore i ask you? the answer, my friends, shall be divulged tonight when they suck against the giants, and finally give up bonds' 714. and maybe 715. they're so pathetic, i dont even want to talk about it.


Friday, May 05, 2006

'lost' in the dark

once again i was kind of money with idol. i think 1 of my bottom 2 has gone home 3 or 4 weeks in a row now, pretty sweet.

as great as idol has been, lost is really starting to get on my nerves. i was all about this show last season - easily one of the top 3 shows on tv. this season they're driving it straight into the ground. they're getting nowhere with this current plot line. henry was fun for a week or two, but nothing has been done. the fact they have to create these 'huge, unbelievable, startling, amazing, you're-not-going-to-believe-what-happens-next' twists EVERY week tells me they have no idea what they're doing and they're just jonesing for viewers. you had me, you lost me. get it? hey-oh! they did teach everyone a valuable lesson that most college football programs could use - you get caught drinking and driving, you get shot.

wedding planning - good times. we just need to find a dj (suggestions in chicago?), invitations and rings. we actually found invitations we like, we just haven't done anything about it. save the date cards will be going out this weekend, i swear. yeah, they were supposed to go out in january, but what are you gonna do? other than that, i don't really have much to report. i feel like we should be doing something, but i'm not sure what.

sopranos - i was a little late (and by a little i mean 5.5 seasons) getting into sopranos, but now i'm addicted. i'm on season 3 thanks to my dear friends at netflix. watching them consecutively, i have to say i feel they jumped the shark a little with season three, especially in the first episode. lots of weird camera effects and angles, crazy music with 3 songs playing at the same time, and much less violence. it picked up after the second episode, but the first 2 seasons were by far better. at least for now.

cubs suck.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

3 things

1. pearl jam album is good. favorite songs so far are marker in the sand, comatose, parachutes and gone. i think. need to listen to it some more, but it's good and now i'm even more psyched to see them in 2 weeks...

2. cubs suck. last 4 games: 34-4. canNOT hit left handing pitching - unbelieveable. i'm glad they won the game on monday because i was there and it broke a personal losing streak (shout out to bill o. for the ticket), but man are they sad.

3. idol. elliot and paris were the best, but paris doing mary just doesn't work, sorry. chris sang the same song again, just different lyrics. shocking, i know. katharine's first song was horrible, but her second song was one of the best last night. taylor - what can i say. powder blue shoes with pink shoelaces. i hate to run things into the ground, but seriously - can he say anything other than "soul patrol!"? i've got paris and soul patrol in the bottom two, with (hopefully) the muppet going home.


Sunday, April 30, 2006

eventful weekend

here's a brief recap of the fun events of the past 4 days: thursday i basked in the glory of correctly picking pickler's demise; beanes grew immune to benadryl and scratched half his face off, terry solidified his grasp of the group on survivor. friday - i went to the er at 6:30am because i thought i was having a heart attack, got to work at 9:30 and everyone laughed at me; finished season 2 of the sopranos. saturday - woke up at 6 to clean the house for our first pre-game bbq of the year; downed the first sam's summer of the season; cooked up drunken salami, egg and cheese sandwiches; sat in less than pleasant weather for 2 hours watching the cubs suck more than i've ever seen them suck (granted i only moved to chicago in 2001); had a few beers and wings at ginger's; night cap at diner grill. can you tell i'm not concerned about my ekg results?

speaking of wrigley, i have to say i like the bleacher renovations. it seems like a more modern park now with the vendor carts and what not, but still feels like the old bleachers. the biggest improvement, at least for me, is the fact that they raised the level of concrete behind the actual bleachers. in the old bleachers, if you wanted to lean on the bleacher behind you, your butt would sag down and after about 4 minutes it was uncomfortable. with the added height, it's completely comfortable. i suppose it helps that everyone left early because the cubs sucked so bad. i can't say i remember them losing 2 games by a combined 25-2 margin - pretty pathetic. i think the great steve stone diagnosed their problem correctly 3 years ago - the cubs cannot hit soft tossing lefties. good thing we still have the great sarge matthews and gene clines and dusty baker working to fix those problems from 2002...


Tuesday, April 25, 2006

the real deal?

despite my earlier doomsday post about the cubs, i'm starting to think they might be ok. z is going to get his act together, maddux is not going to win every start, but it seems his new off-season training regimen has reduced his 3 good starts-1 bad start routine to at least 4 good starts-1 mediocre start. that said, marshall could be the key. who is this guy? all we've heard about for the past 3 years is guzman and brownlie. this guy has 15 career MINOR league starts, makes the team in spring training, and now seems to have found his groove. yes, his first 3 starts weren't anything to write home about, but he's looking solid tonight and his curve reminds me of zito circa 2002. we'll see...

on a side note, nate vasher should never be allowed to hold a microphone again. tone. deaf. stick to returning punts and making picks.

on another side note, the weather is looking great for our first game of the season saturday. last week the forecast was cloudy 64, then showers 62, then showers 60 and now we stand at showers 56. this weekend last year we sat in the bleachers and it was a balmly 33 with snow showers. a boy can dream can't he? at least we'll have maddux on the mound...

idol - why does everyone keep getting worse? everyone was horrible tonight, including katharine. elliot was the best, paris wasn't too annoying, chris sounded ok, but again he just makes everything sound like a creed song. kelly, who has sucked for 2 straight weeks, or taylor are my best guesses for the boot. speaking of taylor, i've decided he's a muppet. he's like a combination of burt and cookie monster - big bushy eyebrows who can only say one thing - soul patrol. shut up and eat your cookies. at home.


Saturday, April 22, 2006

cubs blow

i haven't even been to my first game yet, and the season may as well be over. no d.lee, another setback for woody, and no prior until at least june. throw in a slumping aramis and you've got a recipe for another sad season. they were only half a game out of first when lee went down, and by my calculations they should be 10 games back by the end of may. after winning the d.lee game v. LA, they've now dropped 2 in a row to the cards, haven't hit, and have been hit hard. stupid cubs - you fooled me into having hope for the last time...

in other news, jen's interview on the milt rosenberg show is officially in their archives. just click on the link and i think it'll play. or at least you'll be able to download it or something.


Thursday, April 20, 2006

hi-larious part II

first of all, i believe i had the idol down this week. ace has been crappy for weeks now, so buh-bye ace, buh-bye. chris got his shot across the bow warning, so we'll see if he can pick himself up. i have an idea, maybe he could sing another crappy wuss rock song, some creed perhaps??? i'm so in touch with the peeps...

a few posts ago i noted how in love i was with the chronic-WHAT-cles of narnia rap - chris parnell is hilarious. shortly after that i was made aware of west coast and midwest responses. while i still love the original, i have to say lazy monday is pretty funny, and lazy muncie might be the funniest thing i've ever seen. maybe it's because i'm down with the midwesterners. or because i love garfield. in any event, hi-larious.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

tuesday resolution

effective immediately, blogging will resume at regularly scheduled intervals, namely tuesdays and thursdays. it's been so long i'm not sure i remember what it means to blog.

to end the suspense from the last entry, i have decided to name my fantasy team...the chelmsfuhd smags. the smags are currently in 5th place. after a disappointing first week, the smags bounced back last week to move above the mendoza line with an 11-10-1 record. rest assured, you'll be kept abreast of all 4 (yes, i said four) of my fantasy teams throughout the course of the season. the poopeaters are off to a slow start, but have the confidence of all defending champs, so we're not worried. running is dumb, my final team, is far and away my best team. if they don't win the championship, something will have gone awry (that's a-rye, not awe-ree - you know who you are : ) ). finally, the fierce pandas have cruised to a 2-0 mark behind the best staff in the league and the bat of pujols. as an aside, i want to thank all cubs fans who bring "pooholes stinks" signs to cubs/cards games. clearly i'm 9 years old because i giggle all the time. if my word wasn't good enough, here's more evidence that pooholes is sweeping the nation.

in other news, jen and i ran our first race - the 2006 Shamrock Shuffle. as luck would have it, my timing chip fell off my shoe somewhere between mile markers 1 and 2. thus not only do i not have an official time on the website, but i'm also $30 lighter. sweet. but jen and i ran together, so you can look her up to see that we ran it in 54:50. considering we never ran over 3 miles in training, i thought we did very well. i actually ran slightly faster than that as i finished with a michael johnson like kick, but we'll call it 54:50.

american idol - still addicted, though not as addicted. i have to say - so far tonight i'm not impressed. as i write that, katharine comes on and blows everyone out of the water. she should win, but who knows - america is dumb, i think we can all agree on that. i thought chris was terrible, despite all the praise he got from the three stooges. elliot was quality, per usual, paris irritated me, per usual, taylor looked constipated, per usual (i wish that guy would just take a laxative), and ace is going to be in the bottom three, per usual. it's going to be a tough week, but i say ace should go, and probably will go, but chris could go and i wouldn't be surprised or upset. now that annoying ass house is on and i have to change the channel before my bulb blows because this show is so horrible.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006


people like to crack that snl is 'not what it used to be.' i have a theory - everyone thinks the cast that was on when they were in junior high and high school was the best cast ever. sure murray and martin and radner and belushi were funny, but i remember laughing hardest at sandler, farley (may he rest in peace), spade, nealon and macdonald. i've come to realize, however, that there are always funny people on snl - that's what makes it so great. people ragged on fallon because he couldn't keep a straight face and was 'unprofessional' in delivering his lines, but you know what, that made me laugh harder. he did his job. the current cast is way underappreciated, and i think this clip proves it. it's not 'new' but it is 'funny'. f'ing hilarious.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

name my team

march is good for 3 things, all of which happen to be converging this weekend. first of all, march madness - the greatest playoff system in all of sports begins tomorrow. secondly, st patricks day in chicago. sure the river was green last weekend, but many a face, my own included, will be green after several hours at my favorite bar Ginger's (we'll be there from 4-? friday - come join us). lastly, and most importantly, it's fantasy baseball time. with both my drafts just 2 weeks away, it's time to really ramp up the preparations.

as many of you know, i finally had a fantasy baseball breakthrough last year, winning two leagues. most importantly, i won my 3-year keeper league in the the third and final year, and now have a banner hanging in my dining room to remind jen what a catch she's got. and by catch i mean dork. anyway, i've entered a new league this year with brand-new make believe friends, and a need for a new name. apparently the name with which i won my keeper league last year is only funny if you know the story behind it. and even if you know the story, apparently it's not funny anyway, i need a new team name. best suggestion by 3/29 wins. there are no rules to this competition, enter as often as you'd like. and for the winner, i shall name you honorary assistant manager of the soon to be champion yet-to-be-named team! does it get any better? i think not.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

nothing to do wednesday night?

find out what it's like to be a graduate student! my fiance jen will join gentlemen from northwestern and u of c as panel members on the milt rosenberg show tomorrow night, march 15, from 9-11 cst. for those of you who don't know, milt rosenberg has been a fixture on chicago radio for over 20 years and has interviewed virtually everyone. who's ever lived. so listen, call in, and find out how exciting graduate student life really is!


Thursday, March 09, 2006

intervention please

so it's been a while, but i finally have a free moment. in other words, i've finally been able to peel myself away from american idol. prior to last season, i despised this show. didn't get it, didn't want to get it, couldn't care less. last season i got sucked into watching all the sucky people suck, and then stopped watching when the real competition started. so when this season started, i assumed i could stop watching when i wanted (kind of like i thought i could stop eating chex mix when i wanted).

well now i'm 5lbs heavier and an idol addict. i can name all the remaining contestants, where most of them are from, and why they're not going to win. i had 3 of the 4 going out tonight, with only ayla surprising me (thank god gideon and his goofy smile are gone). i seriously cannot stop watching. and now i have to watch in hd, as if i need to see a bunch of 17 year olds as they truly exist.

final four: mandisa, katharine, elliot, chris

help. please. help.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

done and done

that's how i would describe the olympics, particularly the winter sort. i think it's fair to say most of the country doesn't care about the olympics as evidenced by american idol's dominance in the ratings. frankly, i'd rather watch kristy swanson facepaint the ice more than i'd like to see sasha cohen land a triple axel, whatever the hell that is (apparently impossible since no one can land it in competition). seriously, did you see buffy's face bounce off the ice a few weeks ago? it was classic. i felt pretty bad for buffy, but it was great tv. why would i want to watch professionals (or more accurately top amateurs) do their best not to screw up, when i can watch a bunch of scrubs work their hardest to be better than most normal people? let's be honest, the best part of olympic skating is watching the experts fall on their asses and slide across the ice. sorry, i'm over it (much like i'm over the bachelor, but that's another story).

and here's another problem i have. on one hand, you have jackasses like bode miller, who seemingly could care less about representing the us and winning a medal. he comes off as a selfish little punk (and probably is). then you have shani davis and chad hedrick, who i respect a million times more than no-medal miller, but in their bickering about who disrespected who sound like a couple of little school girls. just shut up, skate fast, win medals, and thank each other for pushing each other to be great. basically, it boils down to the fact that to the rest of the world (or at least most of the world) cares about the olympics, and many americans, including olympians, don't care. they care about how many endorsements they'll get, or what sitcom they'll guest star in, or which late-night couch they'll sit on, but not about being the best.

finally, my biggest problem with the olympics is nbc. i hate bob costas. he might be the second worst sports commentator in the history of the world (right on the heels of joe buck, another annoying little midget). moreover, in this day and age, how can i not find out what happened when the events take place during my lunch hour? am i expected to not surf the internet? or listen to the radio or watch the news? it's like tivo-ing a football game to watch the next day - there's no way i can avoid finding out what happened, and thus am not inclined to waste hours of my life watching something when i already know the outcome. as much as it might pain nbc, they should show the events live, and then just show highlights for an hour or two in primetime. they'd have higher ratings if they mixed olympic highlights with their regular shows (although their normal programming does suck pretty bad). most people don't care about the olympics at all, and of those who do, i'm willing to bet a vast majority would be perfectly content just watching american athletes. i personally would rather watch an lesser american compete in a cool event like the biathalon than watch every nation's best ice dancers (who by the way all sucked).

now i'm angry at myself for wasting this much time talking about something so stupid. the olympics are done. and by done i mean uninteresting and stupid, not unlike watching me lose over and over and over in connect four.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

rivalry schmilvary

flipping channels, i've come across duke at unc. great rivalry. 2 schools, geographically close, great history, blah blah blah. i'm so tired of hearing how unc/duke is the biggest rivalry in sports. how can 2 colleges, who are both known nationally for one sport (yes each is good at other sports, but those aren't on espn every week), and play each other 2, maybe 3 times a year, be the biggest rivalry??? i'm sorry, it's not the biggest rivalry. it's not. and neither is the cubs/cardinals rivalry. sure, stupid people from st louis come up and drink at sluggers and cubby bear. sure, cub fans travel to st louis for a weekend series. but guess what, it's not a rivalry when one team wins EVERY year. my cubs friends are going to hate me, but until the cubs consistently beat the cardinals (not once every decade), or at least show they can compete, it's never going to be the greatest rivalry.

granted i'm a little biased, but anyone who knows sports and ever visited the northeast should know the yankees/red sox is the greatest rivalry. period. this almost fails the test associated with the cubs/cardinals (ie: the yankees always win - 26-6 world series championships), but have you ever heard wrigley erupt in a 'st louis sucks' chant while the cubs are playing the pirates? or dukies start one of their notoriously creative chants directed at unc while virginia is playing duke? no and no. it just doesn't happen. i can't tell you, however, how many times the vaunted (and oh so creative) 'yankees suck' chant has rained down on fenway while the yankees are in another time zone. and fenway is probably the only stadium i've ever visited where i thought twice about wearing my jeter shirt. when i went to my first yankee/white sox games, my law school friends advised me against wearing yankee paraphenalia to comisky because the fans can get a little rough. i suppose if you consider a drunk 65 year old taunting us with his arms twisted as K's. yeah, not so much. as further support, i present you this tale:
friends were visiting from out of town, and we decided to go to a local bar for dinner and drinks. as we're waiting for a table, i'm talking to my friend and i have on my yankees hat. i see some random girl approaching me and i think she's just drunk and stumbling toward me. to my surprise, she's completely sober and walks up to me and says 'hey, i just want you to know the yankees suck!' this is in a bar, in chicago. this was before the red sox won in '04, so i suppose she was an expert in sucking since her team had sucked her entire life, but c'mon, tone it down - i was just waiting for a table.
so thank you red sox nation, for it is, in large part, your insanity, that helps keep the yankees/red sox rivalry the greatest current rivalry in all of sports. and as much as i despise the red sox, i respect them and thoroughly enjoy all 18 or 19 regular season games and the inevitable clash in the alcs.

i have to go to bed now. i'm sick.


another year, another monkeybowl

the first weekend in february proved quite an eventful one. sunday marked the 5th consecutive year jen and i have hosted our superbowl party, monkeybowl. unlike past years when we've had some divide in rooting interests, all of our guests were rooting for the steelers, including mr. pOTTsburgh, joe. steelers won, seahawks lost, refs blew some calls, quit your crying little girls.

in case anyone was wondering, here are some of the final Monkeybowl V stats:
231 --> wings
136 --> meatballs
59 ---> beers
17 ---> ciders and hard lemonades
5 ----> dips (1 hot spinach, 1 cold spinach, 1 veggie, 1 'spicy', 1 7-layer)
1 ----> pan of homemade peanut butter brownies
1 ----> pan of vanilla pudding pie
1 ----> drunken salami
>1 ---> stomach aches and hangovers monday

i'm happy to report no one was seriously injured during the celebration, unless you count the seahawk that was drowned in a pool of it's own tears. stupid seahawks.

also this weekend: saturday was beanes' second birthday. to clarify, this is not the second anniversary of his adoption, but his actual birthday. we celebrated with a steak dinner, and a trip to doggy daycare for Monkeybowl. after a day of wild partying, i'm happy to report he's returned to his big doggy schedule of sleeping. 18 hours a day.

finally, jack johnson's latest cd was released today. while it's not a true 'release' because it's for the curious george movie, it's still jack, and it's still good. for the most part. some songs are definitely geared toward kids, but it is a kids movie, so it's acceptable. not his best work, but i'm still listening to it. love me some jack (and, thankfully, jen is finally coming around...).


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

clip of the day

thanks to zeke jr for providing this clip - it's freakin' hilarious for 2 reasons:

1. this poor kid gets run. over. and,
2. at the end of the clip - check out #89 - the danny almonte of pop warner. not the quickest off the ball, but when your 6'4" 250 and playing against 5 year olds i suppose you don't have to be.


Monday, January 30, 2006

blog blog blog

i really want to blog, but can't seem to find any serious inspiration. here are some random thoughts in no particular order:

- ben affleck and jennifer garner are the most no-talent having piss-poor movie making couple in the history of the universe (see: daredevil, elektra, jersey girl);
- the one skill i had, video gaming, has officially left my body. i can't even play halo 2 anymore - 12 year olds run circles around me and kill me before i even get a shot off;
- i'm officially tired of my job - anyone hiring?;
- rants and raves on craigslist might be the funniest thing on the internet - the last bastion of non-p.c. ranting (i suppose the anonymous part really helps);
- i need to buy a house/condo;
- elektra is a really really REALLY bad movie - don't ever watch it (somehow i can't find the strength to pick up the remote to turn it off);
- i really think that airborne works;
- i've lost 10lbs this month, but i still feel the same - what's up with that;
- i'm more psyched for the party that goes with the superbowl than the superbowl itself - steelers 31 seahawks 21 - there, you don't have to watch (especially the second half when sargent slaughter orders the bus to melt the clock);
- survivor starts thursday - sweet!;
- the bachelor is the lamest show on tv (spoken by a former bachelor addict);
- cherry 7up plus + absolut citron = tasty;
- ginger ale + the captain = cream soda = tasty;
- comcast sucks - nickel and dime ya every step of the way;
- samsung a900 is superior to the razr v3c in every respect;
- microsoft is dumb for undersupplying the us with 360s - driving up demand, yes, but losing profits too;
- true life: i have ocd might be the best episode of the best show on tv.

that's right. i said it.


Monday, January 23, 2006

the 'worst day' of the year

as reported in the RedEye, and i'm sure far more reputable news sources elsewhere, today, january 23rd is officially the worst day of 2006. at least that's what cliff arnall of the university of cardiff in wales says. apparently mr. genius developed an actual formula that takes various factors into consideration and yields the lowest/gloomiest/worst day of the year. it's kind of funny mr. arnall was able to devise such a formula. we here at cimas? have a similar, yet slightly different formula. according to our calculations mr. arnall is a certifiable geek who needs a hobby.

in far more important news, it has come to the attention of us folks here at cimas that, as widely rumored before our debut, blogs are popping for the express purpose of countering cimas. case in point: i received an email stating "in response to [cimas?] i have launched my own [blog]." ladies and gentlemen, i present you with this piece of art. i must give this 'joe' person credit though - he correctly picked the superbowl. and he does have quite an interesting list of 43 things he'd like to accomplish. good luck with that boat buddy - i got your back.

finally, i'd like to give one more shout-out to the blog that inspired me to blog - my blogspiration you could say. while i must say i disagree with just about everything that does not deal with gadgets or electronics, uf911 is one of my oldest friends so i let it slide. if you're a friend of mine, you're head will probably want to explode when you start reading some of the musings on there. just remember, evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb.


Sunday, January 22, 2006

game over

pittsburgh 10
denver 0

14:49 to go, 2nd qtr.

game over.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

down with the diamond

so there's been incredible pressure to eat ethiopian food recently. tonight, i finally gave in, and we ate at ethiopian diamond on broadway here in chicago. i have to agree with the reviews on the internets - it's the best ethiopian food i've ever had. and by best i've ever had i mean only i've ever had. but i feel like to do this evening justice i need to start at the beginning...

about 7 years ago, when my fiance and i still lived in boston, she asked me one summer evening (i believe it was a thursday) if we could go to this local italian place down the street from our apartment. not being a huge italian fan, i managed to dodge it that night. and every other night for the next 2 years until we moved. then we went back to visit friends and saw it was gone, and she got upset that we never went there.

fast forward to 2002 and she finds this ethiopian place not far from our apartment. once again, i was able to dodge for a few years - we moved and it was less convenient, thai is so good and so close, etc. then came the news that prominent scholar cornel west spoke at my fiance's school and mentioned this was his favorite place to eat in chicago, and possibly the best ethiopian food he's ever eaten. this past summer i mentioned this place to a friend at work, who being far more adventurous than i, promptly went there with her boyfriend and raved about it. the final nail in the coffin came when one of our best friends went there around christmas time. i knew my days were numbered. so i did what any self-respecting man of integrity would do - i made it a group outing so i could hide my displeasure in a crowd!

we finally scheduled this event - and i use the word event loosely (i don't lead an exciting life) - and decided saturday january 21st would be the date. for the past 3 days i daydreamed about what it might taste like; i read all the reviews online, pulled up pictures of the different types of dishes, and even looked up recipes. people told me it tasted like indian food, and i happen to despise indian food. needless to say i've been trying to come up with pleasant comments that sufficiently hid my displeasure - mmmm...that's tasty; wow - that's really not bad; yum - i just threw up in my mouth a little bit. to make matters worse i've been sick for the past week, and i knew the friends we were going with were somewhat germ-o-phobic - not completely insane, but slightly more cognizant that most. so i've been doing my best for the past 4 days to really knock the cold out of me so we could eat family-style - the traditional ethiopian method (apparently).

so the moment had arrived, and so had we. our reservations were at 730, and due to parking issues we walked in the door at 745. the place was big, and open, and packed. but we noticed one nice table for 4 sort of in the middle of the fray. after some poking and prodding we learned that was our table. and what a table it was. for the next 3 hours (i'm a man of hyperbole, but this is no joke). after 15 minutes of sitting and talking, i got us menus so we could order when our server came. the mistake with this logic was the assumption that a server *would* come. in fact, no one came for about another 20 minutes (not counting the busboy filling our water glasses. when i asked 'who's our waiter?' he politely responded with a nod. when i asked again, he again responded with a nod.) this was, as i like to call it, the perfect good news bad news situation. good news - we had a table while dozens of people were standing waiting. bad news - we had no server. good news - we had menus so we knew what we wanted. bad news - we had no server.

after finally ordering and waiting another hour for our food to be prepared, it arrived. and boy did it arrive. it was served on a large silver tray, with a layer of injera topped with various items. being the meat lover i am (insert joke), i immediate went for the closest pile of meat. i picked it up with a piece of injera, and promptly forced it in my mouth. as soon as i bit down, i knew something was wrong. 'is there supposed to be something hard in this?' i mumbled. 'oh - that might be a bone'. odd, the menu said 'boneless' beef, chicken and lamb. but sure enough, i have 1 part tender beef 2 parts solid femur in my mouth. after introducing mr. femur to mr. napkin, i dove back in (albeit reluctantly). from then on, i was a fan. the spinach, collard greens and potatoes were all good. as were the lamb, beef sans bones, and chicken. and in the injera is defintely different, but definitely good. By far, however, my favorite part of the meal was the kej - a traditional ethiopian wine. it was like crack.

the final 'moment' of the evening (and by evening i mean eternity) came when i used the men's room. while standing at a urinal, a gentlemen who was washing his hands says to me 'so, are you guys single?'. as the words and the situation sank in, i managed to politely say '' to which he responded 'oh - there are a lot of different people here tonight.' not quite knowing where to take this, i responded with 'oh really, this is our first time here.' so here are my issues with this: 1.when i'm using the men's room, don't speak to me. if you know me, fine, speak. but even then, let's keep it to a minimum (unless we're shouldering up at the troughs of wrigley, and then it's cool, but only if you're talking about the game, how much you hate corey patterson or todd walker, or how you can't wait to get back your seat to order another beer). was quite clear no one at our table was single. 2 guys, 2 girls - tough math, but conclusions can easily be drawn. as if it's not bad enough getting hit on, in a men's room, by an odd looking guy, i got the most non-sensical line ever - not 'do you come here often?' but 'there are a lot of different people here tonight.' what the f does that mean?!?!?

after waiting for our check almost as long as we waited to order, our adventure ended. unfortunately, we were all off in our own little worlds - part food coma, part i-can't-believe-we've-been-here-for-almost-3-f-ing-hours, part can we finally leave now. needless to say no one was really up for anything else, which is too bad, but understandable.

overall, i'd rate this experience a 7.5. the food was good if unspectacular. the service was pretty bad, but i think that had something to do with the seemingly unexpected crowd. perhaps we'll try it again on a week night. perhaps.

Monday, January 16, 2006

myspace is dumb

so i've had this myspace account, and when i decided to blog i decided to post both on here and on there (part of the 'taking over the internets' scheme). well i just spent 20 minutes writing my first entry on there and what do i have to show for it? nothing. why? because myspace is dumb. after typing an entry, there's no 'save as draft' option, only publish or cancel. confident in my post, i press publish. boo-yah! - blogs are currently disabled for special maintenance. hmm, ok. so i hit back in my browser and double boo-yah my entry is deleted. mind you my title line is still intact, the body of my post is gone. i'm a busy blogger here - you think i have time for 'special maintenance'? yeah - exactly...


Friday, January 13, 2006

the time is now, the place is here

well after much hub-bub, my blog is up and running. and after days and weeks of people asking me what the name of my blog is going to be, i think it's clear to anyone who knows me what's up. yes, here at 'can i make a suggestion?' (hereinafter cimas?) you the reader will be able to find out exactly what i think about as many random things as i have time to write about.

and in case anyone is wondering, cimas is not just a 'blog', but a phenomenon sweeping the internets. like bill gates, i don't believe in launching one thing - i launch many. thus random bits of information about myself and my friends and *sniffle* my dreams. that's right - i'm in the house...

*note - while some argue differently, i am not clairvoyant. this entry was started on 1/13, and finished 1/16.

with that said, let's start by talking about something i just don't understand - award shows. who cares? really, i mean, who watches this crap? i mean, i know people who actually watch it, but i just don't understand it. sure, it's funny to hear chris rock make fun of people, and watch those people get a little pissed off (see: mary louise parker), but for 8 hours??? and i guess it's kind of fun to watch, but i'd rather do something more interesting, like poke my eyes out with rusty spoons and/or repeatedly jab nails in my ears. people make fun of me for my reality television addiction, and sure, i might get dumber watching most of those shows. but not only do i get dumber watching award shows, i get really REALLY dumber. like right now some guy who barely speaks english is giving his acceptance speech. not only do i have no idea who the guy is, i have no idea who or what he's thanking because i can't understand him! at least with reality tv i can learn the latest beer chugging techniques from those kids on mtv, or how to kill a pig or shark with my bare hands, or how to hit on 20 girls and then tell them they're not 'the one' and thus they don't deserve a rose. but award shows? as if i needed a stronger argument, ladies and gentlemen i present to you....mariah carey. she's either blind or has a blind stylist. awards shows. over it. so over it...

finally, i'd like to thank all those who made it out to my birthday celebration on saturday. i'd especially like to thank a one mike colenso - without him (and his friends jager and bomb) i would have remembered every minute of the party. aside from the fact i'm officially old, i had a really good time, and i think a good time was had by all. so thank you all for dinner and drinks, and look forward to many more.

as many of my friends can attest to, i don't know much. but i do know when i get into something, i get into it. for at least 2 weeks. so check back often (at least for the next two weeks) - i'm sure i'll have more dumb things to talk about.