Monday, January 23, 2006

the 'worst day' of the year

as reported in the RedEye, and i'm sure far more reputable news sources elsewhere, today, january 23rd is officially the worst day of 2006. at least that's what cliff arnall of the university of cardiff in wales says. apparently mr. genius developed an actual formula that takes various factors into consideration and yields the lowest/gloomiest/worst day of the year. it's kind of funny mr. arnall was able to devise such a formula. we here at cimas? have a similar, yet slightly different formula. according to our calculations mr. arnall is a certifiable geek who needs a hobby.

in far more important news, it has come to the attention of us folks here at cimas that, as widely rumored before our debut, blogs are popping for the express purpose of countering cimas. case in point: i received an email stating "in response to [cimas?] i have launched my own [blog]." ladies and gentlemen, i present you with this piece of art. i must give this 'joe' person credit though - he correctly picked the superbowl. and he does have quite an interesting list of 43 things he'd like to accomplish. good luck with that boat buddy - i got your back.

finally, i'd like to give one more shout-out to the blog that inspired me to blog - my blogspiration you could say. while i must say i disagree with just about everything that does not deal with gadgets or electronics, uf911 is one of my oldest friends so i let it slide. if you're a friend of mine, you're head will probably want to explode when you start reading some of the musings on there. just remember, evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb.


1 comment:

j said...

Good to see that you've joined the conversation. Welcome to the blogosphere.
