Wednesday, June 07, 2006


i'm not sure how it's happened, but it's gone from mid-may to mid-june in a blink. like it, don't love it. i managed to attend 3 of the 6 games on the cubs' last homestand - they went 1-2 in those games. i would say they suck, but they've actually been playing better. i fear kid k is going to be lost, possibly forever, but i'm still hoping that m.prior strikes back. shout out to d.pashman for that nifty one-liner. and if that wasn't enough i went on a tour of wrigley last friday - what a great way to start the weekend. thanks to sarah and gabriel for making that happen. if you ever need environmental testing or cleanup, you now know where to go.

wedding planning is going - expensively. we met with the string quartet lady tuesday night. i'm not sure i need a string quartet, or even a mixed trio, but jen seems pretty into it so that's how we're rollin'. everyone i tell about it says 'wow, faaan-cy!' to which i reply 'yee haw!' we'll see. i personally can think of a lot of different ways to spend that money, but that's just me.

fantasy baseball teams are doing well. i still have a stranglehold on 9th place in the league i won last year. but i'm also in first in 2 other leagues and second in another. so far so good as we come up on the half way point.

big news - i'm partying in the hamptons this weekend! if you know me, you know they usually have security keeping people like me out of the hamptons. there's a special exception for 'bachelor party' events at which time they let the riff raff in. it should be fun - i'm looking forward to thoroughly embarassing myself on the links, and then thoroughly drowning myself in the preferred tonic of the night. hopefully i'll be able to score some pete's rallycap ale, the best summer brew ever. i've adopted sam's summer as my midwestern favorite because i can't find pete's anywhere in chicago, but it still can't touch pete's. anyway, i'll post some pics of me and diddy when i get back. good times...


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