Friday, July 07, 2006

once again it's on

so it's been awhile, but yes, i am still alive. and yes it is friday night and i'm blogging - i rule. so many things going on, so little time to type. after a forced 2 week vacation, i'm back working so that's good. income gooooood. the vacay was nice - got to watch lots of world cup matches. during that stretch i learned something that has held true throughout the cup - literally EVERY team i want to win loses. every single team. every match. i'm calling this right now - italy is going to win on sunday because i want france to win. ok i don't *want* france to win, i just like zidane and dislike france less than i dislike italy, or at least their respective soccer teams. i really don't like how the italians cry like little girls everytime they create contact and act like they might die on the spot. sure other teams do this as well, but italy does it more frequently and to a greater degree. they suck.

last weekend we had a grand time playing cornhole and drinking and eating and hanging out. i think i hit my peak as a cornhole player as i had a cornholio at 7:29pm on 7/29 (yes, i'm a dork and looked at the time after i sank the fourth bag, and yes it really was at 7:29 - i have 3 witnesses). then i threw in another cornholio on sunday, though i barely remember it as my good friend miller lite was kicking in. we played so much (thanks to my partners nancy and aaron) that my shoulder was sore monday. or maybe that was from falling on my porch. i like to think it was a cornhole related injury.

this weekend we're celebrating jen's birthday with a little fernando's and fizz. good times. OH! we scored some free passes to see pirates last night - worst movie i've seen in years. it epitomized the reason i loathe going to movies - they all suck. it was about 2 hours and 15 minutes too long, the antagonist (davy jones) looked more like something out of star wars (as did most of his crew, including the hammerhead shark lieutenant), there was literally NO storyline - just a bunch of barely interrelated tasks. it was like watching a bad video game, or art imitating art imitating art (a movie imitating a video game imitating a movie). save your money and go have a smithwicks.

i'm pretty psyched as jen and i are going to my buddy jim's wedding next week. we'll be in greater nyc for 4 full days which should be awesome. we'll get to see some college folk we haven't seen in a while, and we'll get to make some new friends which is always fun. most importantly, we'll get to go see the ocean, which i haven't really done in a few years. sorry midwesterners, lake michigan is not an ocean and it does not have beaches.

ok im going to bed. later.


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