Saturday, April 22, 2006

cubs blow

i haven't even been to my first game yet, and the season may as well be over. no d.lee, another setback for woody, and no prior until at least june. throw in a slumping aramis and you've got a recipe for another sad season. they were only half a game out of first when lee went down, and by my calculations they should be 10 games back by the end of may. after winning the d.lee game v. LA, they've now dropped 2 in a row to the cards, haven't hit, and have been hit hard. stupid cubs - you fooled me into having hope for the last time...

in other news, jen's interview on the milt rosenberg show is officially in their archives. just click on the link and i think it'll play. or at least you'll be able to download it or something.


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