Tuesday, April 18, 2006

tuesday resolution

effective immediately, blogging will resume at regularly scheduled intervals, namely tuesdays and thursdays. it's been so long i'm not sure i remember what it means to blog.

to end the suspense from the last entry, i have decided to name my fantasy team...the chelmsfuhd smags. the smags are currently in 5th place. after a disappointing first week, the smags bounced back last week to move above the mendoza line with an 11-10-1 record. rest assured, you'll be kept abreast of all 4 (yes, i said four) of my fantasy teams throughout the course of the season. the poopeaters are off to a slow start, but have the confidence of all defending champs, so we're not worried. running is dumb, my final team, is far and away my best team. if they don't win the championship, something will have gone awry (that's a-rye, not awe-ree - you know who you are : ) ). finally, the fierce pandas have cruised to a 2-0 mark behind the best staff in the league and the bat of pujols. as an aside, i want to thank all cubs fans who bring "pooholes stinks" signs to cubs/cards games. clearly i'm 9 years old because i giggle all the time. if my word wasn't good enough, here's more evidence that pooholes is sweeping the nation.

in other news, jen and i ran our first race - the 2006 Shamrock Shuffle. as luck would have it, my timing chip fell off my shoe somewhere between mile markers 1 and 2. thus not only do i not have an official time on the website, but i'm also $30 lighter. sweet. but jen and i ran together, so you can look her up to see that we ran it in 54:50. considering we never ran over 3 miles in training, i thought we did very well. i actually ran slightly faster than that as i finished with a michael johnson like kick, but we'll call it 54:50.

american idol - still addicted, though not as addicted. i have to say - so far tonight i'm not impressed. as i write that, katharine comes on and blows everyone out of the water. she should win, but who knows - america is dumb, i think we can all agree on that. i thought chris was terrible, despite all the praise he got from the three stooges. elliot was quality, per usual, paris irritated me, per usual, taylor looked constipated, per usual (i wish that guy would just take a laxative), and ace is going to be in the bottom three, per usual. it's going to be a tough week, but i say ace should go, and probably will go, but chris could go and i wouldn't be surprised or upset. now that annoying ass house is on and i have to change the channel before my bulb blows because this show is so horrible.


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