Friday, January 13, 2006

the time is now, the place is here

well after much hub-bub, my blog is up and running. and after days and weeks of people asking me what the name of my blog is going to be, i think it's clear to anyone who knows me what's up. yes, here at 'can i make a suggestion?' (hereinafter cimas?) you the reader will be able to find out exactly what i think about as many random things as i have time to write about.

and in case anyone is wondering, cimas is not just a 'blog', but a phenomenon sweeping the internets. like bill gates, i don't believe in launching one thing - i launch many. thus random bits of information about myself and my friends and *sniffle* my dreams. that's right - i'm in the house...

*note - while some argue differently, i am not clairvoyant. this entry was started on 1/13, and finished 1/16.

with that said, let's start by talking about something i just don't understand - award shows. who cares? really, i mean, who watches this crap? i mean, i know people who actually watch it, but i just don't understand it. sure, it's funny to hear chris rock make fun of people, and watch those people get a little pissed off (see: mary louise parker), but for 8 hours??? and i guess it's kind of fun to watch, but i'd rather do something more interesting, like poke my eyes out with rusty spoons and/or repeatedly jab nails in my ears. people make fun of me for my reality television addiction, and sure, i might get dumber watching most of those shows. but not only do i get dumber watching award shows, i get really REALLY dumber. like right now some guy who barely speaks english is giving his acceptance speech. not only do i have no idea who the guy is, i have no idea who or what he's thanking because i can't understand him! at least with reality tv i can learn the latest beer chugging techniques from those kids on mtv, or how to kill a pig or shark with my bare hands, or how to hit on 20 girls and then tell them they're not 'the one' and thus they don't deserve a rose. but award shows? as if i needed a stronger argument, ladies and gentlemen i present to you....mariah carey. she's either blind or has a blind stylist. awards shows. over it. so over it...

finally, i'd like to thank all those who made it out to my birthday celebration on saturday. i'd especially like to thank a one mike colenso - without him (and his friends jager and bomb) i would have remembered every minute of the party. aside from the fact i'm officially old, i had a really good time, and i think a good time was had by all. so thank you all for dinner and drinks, and look forward to many more.

as many of my friends can attest to, i don't know much. but i do know when i get into something, i get into it. for at least 2 weeks. so check back often (at least for the next two weeks) - i'm sure i'll have more dumb things to talk about.



Anonymous said...

my friends jager and bomb would like to thank you...

they can't remember a thing about your birthday party, either.

I'll always hold a special place in my heart for the fact that I was the second person ever identified by name in the 'blog to end all blogs'...after mariah carey.


can I make a suggestion?

you should call your blog "I just blogged in my pants a little bit"

that would be cool.

Anonymous said...

I like awards shows.