Friday, June 20, 2008

Annnnd...I'm back!

Inspired by Sarah and Brian, I've decided to give this blogging thing a whirl again. Upon reflection, I realize the problem with this blog in its initial run was that it lacked purpose. Effective immediately, can i make a suggestion? is now (mostly) about home brewing, and partially about sports, and partially about nothing. I have no delusions about competing with a nationally recognized work of art, but I hope regain at least a little readership and help at least one person avoid a home brewing mistake.

A little background - I began home brewing when Brian left on his cycling adventure about a month and a half ago. So far I've brewed one batch, to mostly positive reviews. I just finished Batch 2, or Deux Brew as Jen dubbed it, as we speak. Batch 1 was very flavorful, but I'm pretty sure I boiled most of my yeast because I didn't let the wort cool to the proper temperature. As a result, I have a very tasty non-alcoholic beer. I suppose that's better than a sour or skunked high alcohol beer, but not exactly what I wanted.

Deux Brew was made with select grains, Northwestern Weizen malt extract and 2 doses of Hallertau and Saaz hops. Unlike last time, I'm pretty sure I sufficiently reduced the temperature of the wort before adding the yeast. Moreover, I got a little wort on my hand and it's awfully sticky - that should make for a decent ABV. In any event, the hard part is over. If all goes according to plan I'll bottle before we go to Nashville in a week and a half. I let the first batch ferment a full 2 weeks, but I won't have that luxury this time. My friends at Perfect Brewing, namely Billy and John, assured me 10-12 days ought to be sufficient. I trust them. Mostly.

I'm also currently watching the first Cubs/Sox game of the season (on delay). I'm more optimistic and less cautious about the Cubs' chances than I have been at any time since I moved to Chicago. If the Cubs can go into the all-star break with a decent lead, I think they'll be ok once they get everyone back. This, of course, assumes Big Z isn't on the shelf for more than a couple weeks (which according to ESPN seems like a reasonable assumption for now). In any event, a strong finish into the break would be nice...



The Rider said...

At this rate you'll have a variety six pack ready for me by the time I return to Chicago. I can't wait.

j said...
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j said...

Dude, welcome back. I've had your blog on my blogroll, and it's had a very sad "Last updated X months ago" status for ... ever.

Anonymous said...

will it be reading for camping part deux???