Thursday, March 09, 2006

intervention please

so it's been a while, but i finally have a free moment. in other words, i've finally been able to peel myself away from american idol. prior to last season, i despised this show. didn't get it, didn't want to get it, couldn't care less. last season i got sucked into watching all the sucky people suck, and then stopped watching when the real competition started. so when this season started, i assumed i could stop watching when i wanted (kind of like i thought i could stop eating chex mix when i wanted).

well now i'm 5lbs heavier and an idol addict. i can name all the remaining contestants, where most of them are from, and why they're not going to win. i had 3 of the 4 going out tonight, with only ayla surprising me (thank god gideon and his goofy smile are gone). i seriously cannot stop watching. and now i have to watch in hd, as if i need to see a bunch of 17 year olds as they truly exist.

final four: mandisa, katharine, elliot, chris

help. please. help.

1 comment:

Smags said...

I think it is really hilarious b/c the only other person I know with a blog is also obsessed with American Idol... thought you might enjoy her commentary...

"Since the bf was busy playing video games last night during American Idol, I was forced to say things outloud like a crazy person and call my mother to comment. So, instead of keeping my thoughts, I'm sharing them with the world, and by the world, I mean the three people who actually look at my blog.

Ace, I'm convinced is in a torrid love affair with Ryan Seacrest. You'd think his loverboy could help him with his look. You're on national tv dude - find something to wear other than jeans and a t-shit. And while you're at it - cut your hair! Onto the actual performance - Mario sang that song last year and did a much better job. That is one dude's shoes you do not want to walk in considering he pissed-simon-off.

Kelly "if that's your real name" Pickler. Please stop talking, much less singing, and go home to Auntie Em.
Bucky - not as bad as I had anticipated. His hair was wack. Just wack.
Katherine - is it a wonder that rumors are circulating that you're pregnat when you wear those clothes? Hellooooo.
Melissa McGhee. This girl has to be really stupid! "Recognition" makes no sense in that song. It's "premonition." If you know what that word means, then you wouldn't have messed up the lyrics. Buy a dictionary.
Saving the worst and the best for last.

Kevin "Chicken Little." OMG. That was possibly the strangest thing I have ever seen on tv. Poor poor Stevie Wonder. Nikko Smith sang that song last year and did an exellent job. Bad news Kevin, bad news. However, I was highly entertained.
Chris - you rock - I hope you win."