Thursday, October 26, 2006

weddings, dinners and colds

so jen and i are married. not only that, we threw the best party we've ever been to. success on all fronts. once again, thanks to everyone who travelled near and far to join us, and special thanks to the members of our wedding party for keeping us chill and helping out with everything. i'm pretty sure everyone had a good time, but if you didn't feel free to leave an anonymous comment. once we get our proofs and what not back from the photographer ill post a few on flickr. until then use your imagination.

in other news, last night was our first dinner bonanza extravaganza fiesta. a friend from work organized this (bi-)monthly dinner group that will travel to various restaurants. last night we went to ben pao. we'd been there before, but it was still good. food was good, company was entertaining, waitress was creepy. then a few of us went to love's for some fro-yo. love's is money. jen and our friend tracy like the peanut butter, but i created another culinary masterpiece - french vanilla yogurt with graham cracker and butterfinger bits. it might be the best dessert this side of the chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream pie. anyway, we're going to the world renowned frontera grill. we tried going there this month, but they were booked. rick bayless better deliver or he'll be shamed by my scathing review. because, you know, rick bayless is a frequent cimas reader and all...

finally, i'm sick. and i got jen sick. so i'm going to bed. 3rd night in a row i'm in bed before 10. i know, i'm a sally. or an emily. whatever. and i have no idea why i'm writing in short choppy sentences, it's usually the exact opposite. shut it.


Monday, October 09, 2006

it's the final countdown!!!

bah bah bah baaah, bah-bah-bah-bah-baaah, bah bah bah baaah, the final countdown...

so i've been a little mia for the past few months. turns out i'm getting married on friday and i've been a little busy. biatch! also turns out the pilot episode of the x-files is on tnt right now and thus i cannot go to bed. anyway, jen and i are very excited for the big day, and can't wait to see everyone who's coming into town. we've got plenty of fun stuff planned for any of you who still check on this bloggy blog blog, so i hope you're ready for some fun. maybe i'll even throw some pics up on flickr - haven't done that in....months.

a few quick thoughts - torre shouldn't get fired, but if he does hendry should sign him, except hendry is retarded and is probably going to sign the AA manager to an 8 year deal; gators will, unfortunately, lose sat night as they're too high on themselves and auburn is playing with a purpose; bears could go undefeated, but will probably go 14-2 and lose in the nfc championship because they still can't cover steve smith; beanes has smelly feet; the windchill will be below freezing on my wedding day - awesome.

i dont really have anything interesting to add as i'm kind of bogged down with wedding stuff, but i felt like i needed to make one more entry as an unmarried man. done and done. peace.